High Performance Clinics

Our high performance tennis clinics offer an immersive experience for players looking to take their game to the next level. Held after school, these clinics are designed to challenge and push players to their limits, helping them reach their full potential on and off the court.
Our approach
Comprehensive assesment of player's abilities and placement in appropiate skill group- Combination of live balls drills, point play, and targeted focus on technique, strategy, footwork, and match play- Focus on a different aera of the game each week
Dedicated training time 2.5 hours
Mental training to help players develop a winning mindset- Fitness training to improve endurance, strenght, and agility- Live ball drills to hone technique and ball placement- Targeted drills to enhance strategy and footwoork- Point play to apply newly learned skills in a match scenario

3 steps to join our program

Step 1: Contact Us
The first step to join our tennis programs is to get in touch with us through our website or by sending us an email. We'll provide you with all the necessary information about our programs, including schedules, fees, and requirements, and answer any questions you may have.
Step 2: Try out
Once you've expressed your interest in joining our tennis programs, the next step is to come for a try out. This is an important step to ensure that you're placed in the appropriate group based on your skills and abilities. Our experienced coaches will evaluate your performance and provide you with feedback on areas for improvement
Step 3: Registration/Group Placement
After the try out, our coaches will determine your group placement and recommend the appropriate program for you. We'll provide you with all the necessary information and guidance to complete the registration process. Once you've completed the registration, you'll be ready to start your journey towards becoming a skilled and competitive tennis player.